Uniswap has deployed on Optimistic Ethereum. To try it out, deposit funds via our Gateway, then head over to Uniswap!


Gas Comparison

How much can Optimistic Ethereum reduce your gas pain?

Paste an Etherscan link to a transaction or select a preset transaction.

Note: These comparisons are calculated based on current network congestion (ie: current gas price). Some of the parameters will be reduced in the coming months as we optimize the system, and dramatically reduced when sharding goes live on mainnet.

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Chainlink FluxAggregator feed update

Gas cost on layer 1
Gas cost on Optimism
Fee on Optimism: $10.09
Savings with Optimism

Chainlink FluxAggregator feed update gas calculation

Hover over each variable to reveal more info!


const batchSubmissionGas  7400
const optimismPremium  1.5
const layer1Gas 
zeroDataBytes * 4
+ nonZeroDataBytes * 16
+ batchSubmissionGas
const layer2GasFee layer1GasPrice * layer1Gas + layer2GasPrice * layer2Gas ) * optimismPremium

Chainlink FluxAggregator feed update

const batchSubmissionGas  7400
const optimismPremium  1.5
const layer1Gas 
57 * 4
+ 11 * 16
+ batchSubmissionGas
const layer2GasFee 0.697837815 * 7804 + 0 * 631870 ) * 1.5
// layer2GasFee === 5445.92630826 GWEI (0.00000544592630826 ETH)